9 November 2021
Europe/Prague timezone

Disruption of giant molecular clouds by the stellar feedback: hydrodynamic simulations

Not scheduled
Online (IT4Innovations)



Keynote Users' talks Keynote III


Michalis Kourniotis (Astronomical Institute, Czech Academy of Sciences)


Star clusters form within molecular gas regions of high density, which are
formed either upon the collapse of cold gas clouds or due to turbulent
forces acting on the gas. In the current study we focus on star formation
that takes place in the center of a spherically symmetric molecular gas
cloud, which collapses under its own gravity. We investigate the conditions
when the stellar feedback can slow down the collapse or even disrupt the
cloud, potentially explaining the observed star formation efficiency in GMCs
by means of self disruption of the cloud. When the gravitational force is
dominant, secondary star-forming, continuous or monolithic, events are
expected to occur. We built an one-dimensional model that is based on the
hydrodynamic code FLASH and implements the fundamental physics of the
feedback: ram pressure from the stellar winds, radiation pressure on dust
and gas, and photoionization. We employ our model to discuss the probability
that the compact cluster R136 in the Large Magellanic Cloud was formed due
to feedback processes between NGC2070 and the massive cloud host. As clouds
with constant density appear to collapse with high efficiency, we suggest a
model of a cloud with centrally concentrated gas as essential for generating
a self-disrupting stellar feedback. This value of critical star formation
efficiency is shown to be strongly dependent on the cloud compactness.

Primary authors

Michalis Kourniotis (Astronomical Institute, Czech Academy of Sciences) Dr Richard Wünsch (Astronomical Institute of Czech Academy of Sciences) Prof. Jan Palouš (Astronomical Institute of Czech Academy of Sciences) Dr Sonia Ehlerová (Astronomical Institute of Czech Academy of Sciences)

Presentation materials

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