9 November 2021
Europe/Prague timezone

Preventing Deadlock in Non-uniform-timestep Distributed Pseudospectral Method

9 Nov 2021, 14:00
Online (IT4Innovations)



Poster Poster session Poster session


Kristián Kadlubiak (Brno University of Technology)


Non-uniform-timestep Distributed Pseudospectral Method allows different timestep sizes in different sub-domains of simulation. This requires special care when marching overlap regions forward in time. Overlap regions have to be evaluated at timesteps to match the neighbor's temporal discretization. This process involves the extrapolation of such values using a modified integration scheme. To minimize introduced error, extrapolation should be executed as late as possible. Under certain circumstances, this leads to a deadlock. In this poster, I will present necessary and sufficient condition that allows the deadlock to occur, detailed schematics of such case and simple solution that resolves the issue.

Primary author

Kristián Kadlubiak (Brno University of Technology)

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