Oct 30 – 31, 2023
Europe/Prague timezone

Numerical Simulations at Karolina for Advancing Research at ELI NP

Oct 31, 2023, 9:30 AM
atrium (IT4Innovations)



Studentská 6231/1B 708 00 Ostrava-Poruba
User's talk Users' talks Users' Talks IV


Vojtěch Horný (Extreme Light Infrastructure - Nuclear Physics)


The Extreme Light Infrastructure Nuclear Physics (ELI NP) facility in Magurele, Romania, runs the currently most powerful laser in the world, capable to deliver two 10 PW pulses each minute. It stands at the forefront of cutting-edge research in laser-driven particle acceleration and high-energy nuclear physics. In pursuit of advancing our understanding of these fields, our simulation group relies heavily on advanced numerical simulations conducted at IT4I’s Karolina. We present and overview of the pivotal role of numerical simulations in supporting and enhancing research at ELI NP, with a focus on three critical areas:
1. Ion Acceleration: Record ion energy from the laser plasma accelerator should be announced soon by ELI NP. Besides, we will present simulations supporting medical applications, particularly in carbon therapy.
2. Ultrabright Gamma Sources: The generation of ultrabright gamma sources is a key research area at ELI NP, with implications for fundamental nuclear physics and medical imaging. By leveraging Karolina's computational power, we can model the complex physics involved in gamma source generation and optimize experimental conditions for maximum efficiency.
3. Electron Acceleration (LWFA): ELI NP employs Laser Wakefield Acceleration (LWFA) as a groundbreaking technique for electron acceleration. In particular, we will discuss its application as a bremsstrahlung x-ray source from a derived few-cycle 100 TW laser pulse.
The synergy between cutting-edge experiments at ELI NP and the computational capabilities of Karolina empowers us to push the boundaries of knowledge in nuclear physics, laser-driven particle acceleration, and astrophysics. The simulations not only validate experimental designs but also open doors to new possibilities and applications in fundamental research, industry, and medicine.

Primary author

Vojtěch Horný (Extreme Light Infrastructure - Nuclear Physics)

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