5–6 Nov 2019
Europe/Prague timezone

IT4I Satellite SAR Interferometry Monitoring System

5 Nov 2019, 16:45
atrium (IT4Innovations)



Studentská 1B 708 33 Ostrava - Poruba


Milan Lazecky (IT4Innovations)


The partially autonomous satellite SAR interferometry (InSAR) system is being developed at IT4Innovations ADAS since 2016. It is based on open-source tools such as ISCE (NASA JPL), STAMPS (Stanford University), LiCSInfo (University of Leeds) or SALSIT (insar.cz). The processing package shared as IT4S1 offers a specific preprocessing of all Sentinel-1 data over the Czech Republic, stored at CESNET Czech Copernicus Collaborative Segment. It allows for InSAR time series processing over Czech areas with a high processing performance: ~5 km area is processed on-demand typically in less than a half-hour at the HPC. The whole map of displacements over Czech Republic based on Persistent Scatterers (PS) InSAR technique has been generated in 2018. PS InSAR technique allows to identify infrastructure displacements or terrain deformation of coherent areas in the sensitivity of few mm/year. In this contribution, an updated map is to be introduced and few interesting areas of IT4S1 application are to be presented - topics such as mining-induced subsidence, infrastructure displacements, landslide detection but also ongoing approach to detect hurricane-induced forest damage in Czech Republic will be presented.

Primary author

Milan Lazecky (IT4Innovations)

Presentation materials

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