5–6 Nov 2019
Europe/Prague timezone

Ultrasound Simulation for Transcranial Neurostimulation

5 Nov 2019, 16:00
atrium (IT4Innovations)



Studentská 1B 708 33 Ostrava - Poruba
Keynote Users' talks Keynote II


Jiri Jaros (Brno University of Technology)


Transcranial transmission of ultrasound is increasingly used in a variety of clinical and research applications, including high intensity ablation, opening the blood brain barrier, and neural stimulation. Large scale numerical simulations of ultrasound propagation in the head are used to enable effective transcranial focusing and predict intracranial fields.
This talk will present the k-Stim tool chain covering the complete process from the preoperative patient CT/MR screening to the application the ultrasound in a custom 3D printed ultrasound device. After the screening, the preoperative treatment planning continues in k-Plan, a graphical user interface where the target area and ultrasound transducer parameters are defined by a clinician. The treatment plan is then submit for validation using the HPC services via an in-house k-Dispatch server. k-Dispatch manages several HPC facilities, optimizes the execution configuration, monitors the execution and provide accounting services. The k-Wave toolbox is then used to execute the simulation using one of available implementations optimized for processors, accelerators or GPUs. Once the plan has been validated, it is sent back to the k-Dispatch and then delivered to the clinician for approval. If approved, the treatment plans parameters are extracted and uploaded into the operating device. Finally, the treatment is applied in a MR guided environment.

Primary author

Jiri Jaros (Brno University of Technology)

Presentation materials

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