5:00 PM
How to Detect and Analyze Atherosclerotic Plaques in B-MODE Ultrasound Images: A Pilot Study of Reproducibility of Computer Analysis
Jiří Blahuta
(Silesian University in Opava)
5:00 PM
Constitutive solution scheme for Mohr-Coulomb plasticity in 3D
Stanislav Sysala
(Institute of Geonicsof the CAS)
5:00 PM
Spectral Domain Decomposition Using Local Fourier Basis: Application to Ultrasound Simulation on a Cluster of GPUs
Jiri Jaros
(Brno University of Technology)
5:00 PM
Modest but effective system for satellite-based identification of land processes
Milan Lazecky
5:00 PM
Automatization of inventory control process
Tomáš Martinovič
(IT4Innovations, VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava)
5:00 PM
MOLDIME - Platform for Massive Parallel Sequencing Data Analysis
Václav Svatoň