7 November 2016
Europe/Prague timezone

How to Detect and Analyze Atherosclerotic Plaques in B-MODE Ultrasound Images: A Pilot Study of Reproducibility of Computer Analysis

7 Nov 2016, 17:00
atrium (IT4Innovations)



Studentská 1B 708 33 Ostrava - Poruba
Poster Afternoon sessions Poster session & Snack


Mr Jiří Blahuta (Silesian University in Opava)


This pilot study is focused on recognition and digital analysis of atherosclerotic plaques in ultrasound B-images. The plaques are dis- played as dierently echogenic regions depending on plaque composition. The rst goal is to nd signicant features, e.g. homogenicity, shape and size to plaque analysis from digitized ultrasound images. We developed software to nding hyperechogenicity of substantia nigra to Parkinson's Disease evaluation in B-images. Currently we try to discover how to use this software also for atherosclerotic plaques analysis to estimation risk level of ischemic stroke. The software has a built-up function of intelli- gent brightness detection. We use a set of 23 images, each of them was analyzed ve times. The primary goal is to verify the reproducibility of this software to atherosclerotic plaques analysis in medical practice with evaluation by an experienced sonographer. All used images in this study have the same initial settings of gamma, contrast and brightness.

Primary author

Mr Jiří Blahuta (Silesian University in Opava)


Mr Petr Čermák (Silesian university in Opava) Mr Tomáš Soukup (Silasian university in Opava)

Presentation materials

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