7 November 2016
Europe/Prague timezone

Solving quadratic programming problems using PERMON

7 Nov 2016, 14:00
atrium (IT4Innovations)



Studentská 1B 708 33 Ostrava - Poruba
Plenary Talks Afternoon sessions Plenary talks 1


Dr David Horák (IT4Innovations & Dep. of Applied Math., VSB-TUO)


Our novel software toolbox PERMON makes use of results in quadratic programming and domain decomposition methods. It is built on top of the PETSc framework for numerical computations. We will present its fundamental packages and show their applications. We will focus on contact problems of mechanics decomposed by means of a FETI-type non-overlapping domain decomposition method implemented in the PermonFLLOP package. These problems lead to inequality constrained quadratic programming problems that can be solved by the PermonQP package.

Primary author

Dr David Horák (IT4Innovations & Dep. of Applied Math., VSB-TUO)


Ms Alena Vašatová (IT4Innovations, VSB-TUO) Mr Jakub Kružík (IT4Innovations, VSB-TUO) Mr Jiří Tomčala (IT4Innovations, VSB-TUO) Dr Lukáš Pospíšil (USI, Lugano, Švýcarsko) Mr Marek Pecha (IT4Innovations, VSB-TUO) Dr Martin Čermák (IT4Innovations, VSB-TUO) Mr Radim Sojka (IT4Innovations, VSB-TUO) Dr Václav Hapla (IT4Innovations, VSB-TUO)

Presentation materials

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