7 November 2016
Europe/Prague timezone

Automatization of inventory control process

7 Nov 2016, 17:00
atrium (IT4Innovations)



Studentská 1B 708 33 Ostrava - Poruba
Poster Afternoon sessions Poster session & Snack


Tomáš Martinovič (IT4Innovations, VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava)


**Abstract** We present automated application of inventory optimization based on sales forecast. Inventory stock optimization is very required issue by companies recent years, however inventory models are based on the sales expectation. Therefore, the problem of optimizing inventory stock is divided into two parts, sales forecast and setting optimal inventory. We describe an automated solution to model selection for sales forecast and the inventory setting based on those predictions. In the end, we present our validation of the system through historical simulation. We compare simulations results against real inventory levels. Due to the large number of different length time series, this simulation was run in parallel on cluster and was parallelized in R. The algorithms were developed and tested on inventory time series from real data sets of the K2 atmitec company. **Keywords:** inventory optimization, sales forecasting, model selection, parallelization

Primary authors

Dr Jan Martinovič (IT4Innovations, VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava) Dr Kateřina Janurová (IT4Innovations, VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava) Dr Kateřina Slaninová (IT4Innovations, VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava) Tomáš Martinovič (IT4Innovations, VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava)

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