7 November 2016
Europe/Prague timezone

Computing betweenness centrality and combination with flood prediction

7 Nov 2016, 14:20
atrium (IT4Innovations)



Studentská 1B 708 33 Ostrava - Poruba
Plenary Talks Afternoon sessions Plenary talks 1


Mr Robert Skopal (IT4Innovations National Supercomuting Centre)


Betweenness centrality is widely used graph metric used in order to find most significant vertices (or edges) in the graph. Betweenness quantifies the number of times a node is a bridge along the shortest path between two other vertices. Therefore by computing betweenness over the road network represented by weighted, oriented graph we are able to identify places that will most likely become traffic bottlenecks. Combining this approach with flood prediction we are able to simulate and monitor how will these bottlenecks move in case of flooding. In this talk our parallel implementation of betweenness algorithm is going to be presented along with results from combining this approach with flood prediction.

Primary authors

David Vojtek (IT4Innovations National Supercomputing Centre) Martinovic Jan (IT4Innovations) Mr Robert Skopal (IT4Innovations National Supercomuting Centre) Slaninová Kateřina (IT4Innovations National Supercomputing Centre)

Presentation materials

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