#FijiHackathon – Collaborative developement for Fiji and Friends
For years, there have been voices and thoughts calling for the organization of a Fiji Hackathon on Fiji. We heard your prayers and this year IT4I is organizing a very special Hackathon directly on the Fiji Islands.
Fiji (Fiji Is Just ImageJ) is a popular software platform for image processing, and its community has developed and made available numerous plugins for scientific audiences. Fiji is also an archipelago of more than 330 islands about 2000 km northeast of New Zealand. This year we will bring the world-wide Fiji community to its roots. Thanks to the awesome technology provided by the social platform Gather Town, we can finally visit the origins and see the roots of our well known platform. Don't leave us waiting, and transport yourself instantly to Nadi airport.
This years Hackathon will be organized as a few short online events, which actually makes it more a "Fiji Summer of Code"
The events are 2-4 days long, and shall essentially be sprints, or rather mini-hackathons on selected topics. During each event, we hope that a certain part of the community will be active, available online, co-operating and advancing one topic, or preferably multiple topics, even repeatedly. This sub-community saturation shall be the added value of this whole endeavour. Fiji hackathons have regularly been organized since 2007 (list of previous hackathons).
Invited topics for the events are
- Segmentation – annotation tools, semi-automatic annotation, model ZOOs
- GPU – centric computing
- Tracking – Mastodon plugins + demos
- Visualization – sciview plugins + demos
- Image data storage and generic data storage
- UX in SciJava
This event is supported by the ERDF in the IT4Innovations national supercomputing center - path to exascale project (CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_013/0001791) within the OPRDE.