Fraile Alberto
(Department of Control Engineering. Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague)
11/7/18, 4:15 PM
Users' talks
User's talk
The distribution of prime numbers is clearly very complex, and it research history has shown that solid proven conclusions about its structure will probably take a long time to come by. Before that happens, the field is in need of ideas able to provide an intuitive and qualitative understanding.
It is beyond the scope of this talk to provide quantitative results. Its main purpose is to...
Martin Mokrejš
(IT4Innovations, VŠB – Technical University of Ostrava)
11/7/18, 4:30 PM
Users' talks
User's talk
Jiri Klimes
(Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University)
11/7/18, 4:45 PM
Users' talks
User's talk
The course of many industrial or natural processes is given by interactions
between molecules or between molecules and solids, let us mention the catalytic
formation of ammonia or the formation of snowflakes to name but a few.
If we want to model and understand such processes we need methods that describe
the interactions reliably. This is a difficult task as we often need to use...
Lukáš Grajciar
(Department of Physical and Macromolecular Chemistry, Charles University in Prague)
11/7/18, 5:00 PM
Users' talks
User's talk
The silicates, based on a tetrahedron-shaped anionic (SiO_4)^(4-) group, is one of the
most abundant classes of compounds on Earth being heavily used in industry.
However, the silicates, and in particular porous silicates doped with aluminium (zeolites), are
often being degraded and eventually destroyed upon prolonged exposure to humidity
[1]. Besides the negative effects of prolonged...
Jaroslav Resler
(Institute of Computer Science The Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague)
11/7/18, 5:15 PM
Users' talks
User's talk
The radiative transfer model represents one of key components of the urban climate model. The scalability of the first version described in the paper [Resler et al 2017] was lower than the scalability of the rest of the PALM-4U model. It allowed to process domains up to extent of a few hundreds of gridpoints in each dimension while the required domains reached the extent of thousands...
Daniel Holý
(Institute of Organic Chemsitry and Biochemistry, Czech Academy of Sciences`)
11/7/18, 5:30 PM
Users' talks
User's talk
Cells interact with the environment through plasma membranes. Because of their complexity simpler lipid bilayers are use as models to study their properties. An important component which modulates plasma membranes is the calcium ion which is for example involved in a number of processes, such as neurotransmitter release and membrane fusion. Calcium is also known to modulate the physical...