Magnetoelectric (ME) multiferroics (MFs) are strong candidates for a wide range of novel hybrid technological applications, such as sensing, energy harvesting, photovoltaics, solid-state refrigeration, data storage, magnonics, and spintronics, to name a few.$^1$ A promising route to design efficient future hybrid devices is the use of the dynamical ME effect, where the order parameters of magnetization and polarization are not static, but oscillatory. Elementary excitations called electromagnons may emerge, as “carriers” of this dynamical ME coupling. These spin excitations can contribute to both the magnetic permeability and dielectric permittivity, allowing to promote the modulation of the index of refraction by both static fields and electromagnetic radiation.$^{2,3}$ The understanding of the quantum-level microscopic mechanisms that lead to ME coupling is essential for the engineering of novel single-phase ME MFs. A solid theoretical approach is essential for further insight in the fundamental physics of magnetoelectric phenomena. Here, we propose a combination of first principles calculations of electronic and magnetic structure, as well as lattice-dynamical (phonon) calculations, in combination with experimental spectroscopic investigation for a series of novel ME MF materials. The polar antiferromagnet Ni3TeO6 exhibits non-hysteretic colossal magnetoelectric effect.$^{4,5}$ A collinear antiferromagnetic order appears below $53$ K, giving rise to spin-induced-polarization. Spin and lattice excitations in Ni3TeO6 were studied, by a combination of infrared, Raman and time-domain THz spectroscopies identifying two spin excitations simultaneously present in Raman and THz spectra corresponding to electromagnons.$^6$
Furthermore, for the first time, we prepared single crystals and polycrystalline samples of Ni2MnTeO6, Ni2CoTeO6 and NiCo2TeO6, showing the same polar structure as Ni3TeO6, from room temperature down to $4$ K, with the $\textit{R}3$ space group symmetry. Specifically for Ni2MnTeO6, magnetic and dielectric measurements have indicated an antiferromagnetic phase transition at $T_N≈70$ K, almost $20$ K higher than that of Ni3TeO6.$^7$ Infrared and Raman spectroscopies revealed all $18$ phonon modes predicted by the factor-group analysis for the $\textit{R}3$ structure. THz spectra below $T_N$ reveal magnons, strongly influenced by external magnetic field. In the compounds with Ni substitution by Co, at least two spin excitations were simultaneously seen in Raman and THz spectroscopy, revealing the polar character of the magnons.
Density functional theory calculations by the use of VASP code were employed for the family of Ni-based tellurates Ni$_{3-x}$(Co,Mn)$_x$TeO$_6$, in order to resolve the magnetic ground state and estimate the strength of the exchange interactions. In addition, the lattice vibrations were studied by the use of Phonopy code$^8$ based on the Hellman-Feynman forces obtained within the direct method$^9$ using VASP code. A good agreement between theory and experiment was found.
Acknowledgements: “IT4Innovations národní superpočítačové centrum - cesta k exascale, CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_013/0001791"