September 17, 2024
Europe/Prague timezone

The webinar is organised by the SPACE CoE and NCC Czechia.


BHAC: This webinar can serve as an introduction to a state-of-the-art code designed to simulate accretion flows into compact objects. A short intro on how to use and run your first simulation with BHAC will be given. Also, recent developments concerning the code within the SPACE CoE will be briefly presented.


FIL: The webinar will introduce the Einstein toolkit (ET) and FIL. FIL is designed to simulate binary neutron star collisions using high-order finite difference methods and tabulated EOS. The tutorial will explain how to compile the ET and run some simple benchmarking simulations using FIL. 




intermediate, advanced; the talk is intended for experts in HPC that non-necessarily have domain-specific knowledge in cosmology and astrophysics


Some experience in HPC and fluid dynamics


Georgios Doulis is a Numerical Relativist working at Goethe University Frankfurt. Expertise: Numerical Astrophysics and Numerical Mathematical Relativity.

Khalil Pierre is PhD student studying Numerical relativity at Goethe University Frankfurt. 





This work was supported by the SPACE project under grant agreement No 101093441. The project is supported by the European High-Performance Computing Joint Undertaking and its members (including top-up funding by the Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic ID: MC2304).


This project has received funding from the European High-Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (JU) under grant agreement No 101101903. The JU receives support from the Digital Europe Programme and Germany, Bulgaria, Austria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, France, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Slovakia, Norway, Türkiye, Republic of North Macedonia, Iceland, Montenegro, Serbia. This project has received funding from the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic.



This course was supported by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic through the e-INFRA CZ (ID:90254).



This webinar will be an online event which will be held via Zoom. Zoom details will be sent to all registered participants.


The webinar is free of charge.