31 October 2017 to 1 November 2017
Europe/Prague timezone

Selected Intel Xeon Phi Accelerated Libraries developed at IT4Innovations

1 Nov 2017, 14:00
atrium (IT4Innovations)



Studentská 1B 708 33 Ostrava - Poruba


Dr Lubomir Riha (IT4Innovations)Dr Michal Merta (IT4Innovations)Mr Milan Jaros (IT4Innovations)


In this talk our developers will present three tools developed at IT4Innovations which support the Intel Xeon Phi accelerators installed at the Salomon supercomputer. ESPRESO library is a FEM package which uses the Xeon Phi to accelerate the linear FETI solver. ESPRESO contains new algorithms which can take advantage of the fast KNC memory to speed up the calculations. BEM4I library is a library of parallel boundary element based solvers which contains efficient vectorization techniques to fully utilize the potential of the KNC architecture and its vector units. Finally, BLENDER is an open source 3D modeling tool which contains its own Cycles render based on path tracing algorithm. We will present our new CyclesPhi renderer which adds multi-node parallelization and Xeon Phi acceleration into the original implementation.

Primary author

Dr Lubomir Riha (IT4Innovations)


Dr Jan Zapletal (IT4Innovations) Dr Michal Merta (IT4Innovations) Mr Milan Jaros (IT4Innovations)

Presentation materials