31 October 2017 to 1 November 2017
Europe/Prague timezone

Software tool for cranial orthosis design

1 Nov 2017, 15:15
atrium (IT4Innovations)



Studentská 1B 708 33 Ostrava - Poruba
Users contributions Users' Contributions


Ms Vasatova Alena (IT4Innovations)


Cranial orthoses are used to correct an abnormal children head shape, and such they have to be designed individually. Customiza- tion of those orthoses is currently fully manual task. A software tool should make this process semi-automatic with only small intervention from the user and speed up the whole process. In the future, this tool will be part of process chain from 3D scanning of the patient head to the 3D printing of the final product. This will allow to produce the orthosis anywhere, without necessity to have expensive devices on one place. For high quality of 3D printing, 3D computer models with high- resolution meshes must be used. We start development of our tool by rapid testing of methodology. For this purpose we used open source soft- ware Blender. Although Blenders functions we used are more robust, they are also unnecessary computationally more expensive. For this rea- son we implemented the necessary transformation functions using radial basis functions (RBF) which can be easily modified to include rigid body movements.

Primary authors

Mr Jaros Milan (IT4innovations) Ms Vasatova Alena (IT4Innovations)

Presentation materials