Jan 24 – 26, 2023
IT4Innovations / on-line
Europe/Prague timezone


The NCC Czech Republic, NCC Austria and Intel are inviting you to a three-day event dedicated to oneAPI. Join Intel and leading oneAPI professionals from the national competence centers of Czech Republic and Austria for this hands-on workshop. Learn how to accelerate your code while avoiding vendor lock-in using oneAPI on CPUs, GPUs/FPGAs.

At the end of this workshop, you will:

•    Understand the importance of using open standards in programming for Heterogeneous systems
•    Learn how to use oneAPI / SYCL / DPC++ to offload code to various accelerators including CPU and GPU
•    Be able to use the compatibility tool to help port CUDA code to SYCL/DPC++
•    Be able to profile code running on various accelerators and assess their performance/efficiency 
•    Know how to use the Intel DevCloud as a ready-to-use sandbox in developing your codes.






Ideally, you should have some moderate experience in using Python, C++, and (optionally) CUDA.


(For detailed agenda including times see Timetable.)



Introduction to practical programming with oneAPI. Topics include:

  • Introduction to oneAPI and DevCloud infrastructure
  • Programming CPU/GPU using SYCL
  • Porting CUDA code to SYCL using the Compatibility Tool


  • Online Q&A with an oneAPI Center of Excellence (TBD)
  • Hands-on with Compatibility Tool 
  • Additional lab time / individual help (optional) 



Performance, performance, performance

  • Libraries : oneDPL, oneTBB, oneMKL
  • Profiling and perf analysis with Vtune / Advisor


  • Online Q&A with oneAPI Center of Excellence (TBD)
  • Hands-on VTune
  • Additional lab time / individual help (optional) 


Bring your own code (for preselected participants)
Start offloading your code in a vendor-independent way here and now with the help of Intel experts

About the tutors

Stephen Blair-Chappell is an independent software consultant and is an Intel-certified oneAPI instructor.  He was formerly the Technical Director at Bayncore where he led a team of consultants providing HPC and AI training on Intel Architecture. For 18 years he was a Technical Consulting Engineer at Intel helping their strategic customers in software optimization and code modernization.   He is the author of the book "Parallel Programming with  Intel Parallel Studio XE". 

Georg Zitzlsberger is a research specialist for Machine and Deep Learning at IT4Innovations, NCC Czech Republic. He has for over three years been certified by NVIDIA as a University Ambassador of the NVIDIA Deep Learning Institute (DLI) program. This certification allows him to offer NVIDIA DLI courses to academic users of IT4Innovations' HPC services. In addition, in collaboration with Bayncore, he is a trainer for Intel HPC and AI workshops and conferences carried out across Europe. He has been contributing to these events, which are held for audiences from industry and academia, for five years.

Soner Steiner is an HPC, HPDA, and IA specialist at Vienna Scientific Cluster (VSC) and is involved in the NCC Austria (a European network for awareness creation, consultancy, and training in HPC). He has 5 years of teaching experience at the university level (University of Applied Science, Austria-Wiener Neustadt). At VSC he is involved in training and consultancy of academia and industry. Before his role at the VSC, he was involved for several years in computational material science. And he is freshly a certified Intel oneAPI instructor in DPC++ essentials, OpenMP offload basics, and ML using oneAPI.

Gennady Fedorov is an Intel Technical Consulting Engineer in the field of Intel(R) Performance ( Math Kernel Library(MKL), Performance Primitives (IPP), and Data Analytic Acceleration (DAAL)) Libraries. Gennady holds a Ph.D. in Nuclear Physics from the Russian National Research Nuclear University.

Dmitry Sivkov is an Intel Technical Consulting Engineer with more than 20 years of experience in Computer Sciences and HPC. He has a Ph.D. in Applied Math. Dmitry is enabling and supporting Intel Cluster Tools for 11+ years with a lot of projects with Data Centers, Clouds, and HPC clusters.


This event is supported by Intel.

This project has received funding from the European High-Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (JU) under grant agreement No 101101903. The JU receives support from the Digital Europe Programme and Germany, Bulgaria, Austria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, France, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Slovakia, Norway, Türkiye, Republic of North Macedonia, Iceland, Montenegro, Serbia. This project has received funding from the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic.

This course was supported by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic through the e-INFRA CZ (ID:90254).

IT4Innovations / on-line
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Registration is obligatory. Only registered participants will receive the Zoom link.


This workshop will be an hybrid event for the first 2 days, the last day is for pre-selected on-site participants. Technical details about joining will be sent to the accepted on-line registrants before the event.

Please note that the training is held using Zoom. We advise all participants to download the Zoom application to enjoy full functionality. The link to the Zoom meeting will be sent only to registered participants.

All participants will receive a temporary login credentials to IT4I infrastructure to follow the hands-on exercises. On-line participants are supposed to downolad and install all necessary componens needed to login prior the training, with the help of video tutorials and IT4I's user support. On-site participants will receive their login credentials after arriving the the venue and IT4I support personnel will be ready to help them with the first login.

Capacity and Fees

The capacity for first two days is not limited for on-line participation. On-site is limited to 30 participants. There is 20 places available for the third day.

The workshop is free of charge for all participants.