Stella Skiadopoulou
(IT4Innovations Supercomputing Center - VSB-TUO)
11/7/18, 1:30 PM
Users' talks
User's talk
Magnetoelectric (ME) multiferroics (MFs) are strong candidates for a wide range of novel hybrid technological applications, such as sensing, energy harvesting, photovoltaics, solid-state refrigeration, data storage, magnonics, and spintronics, to name a few.$^1$ A promising route to design efficient future hybrid devices is the use of the dynamical ME effect, where the order parameters of...
Michal H. Kolář
(University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague, Czech Republic)
11/7/18, 1:45 PM
Users' talks
User's talk
VemP is a peptide found in a marine bacterium, which can live in fresh or salt water. VemP regulates how other proteins are transported out of the bacterium under different extracellular ionic concentrations. The regulation mechanism involves ribosome stalling, which modulates the protein synthesis. Many physiologic consequences have been identified to be stalling-dependent; apart from the...
Rhys Taylor
(Astronomical Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences)
11/7/18, 2:00 PM
Users' talks
User's talk
The "missing satellite problem" is a long-standing discrepancy between cosmological models of galaxy formation and observations. The models (e.g. Moore et al. 1999) have generally only used dark matter, which is computationally cheap and thought to dominate the mass on galaxy scales. While extremely successful at reproducing the large-scale distribution of galaxy structures, e.g. the "cosmic...
Marek Ingr
(Tomas Bata University in Zlín, Faculty of Technology, Department of Physics and Materials Engineering)
11/7/18, 2:15 PM
Users' talks
User's talk
Hyaluronic acid (HA, hyaluronan), an alternating co-polymer of glucuronic acid and N-acetylglucosamine ([4)-β-D-GlcpA-(1->3)-β-D-GlcpNAc-(1->]n), is a major component of extracellular matrix of animal connective tissues. It plays various roles in signaling cascades and is thus involved in inflammation, progression of various diseases including cancer, and wound healing. HA-binding proteins,...
Ondřej Meca
11/7/18, 2:30 PM
Users' talks
User's talk
A wide range of engineers from the industrial practice use numerical methods to simulate physical processes. A process of simulation can be divided into two parts -- creation of a numerical model (finite element mesh, definition of boundary conditions, contact interfaces, etc.) and its solution. Since the solution quality is dependent on the numerical model, it is necessary to use an efficient...
Irving Benjamin
(Czech Technical University in Prague)
11/7/18, 2:45 PM
Users' talks
User's talk
Low-dimensional materials have recently attracted immense interest due to their fascinating physical properties and potential for application in diverse fields such as (opto)electronics, energy harvesting and dry lubrication. Transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs), of general form MX2 (M = Mo, W; X = S, Se, Te), are posited as being some of the best solid-state lubricants currently available....